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E Business Plan

Ecommerce /Mcommerce business plan

Every body is talking about ecommerce and mcommerce. I am also interested for starting an ebusiness' Is it sound like your imagination?

'Before jumping please sit and plan very well . A Goal is a dream with a deadline' said Harvey Mackay long back. In a recent popular column 'Avis' an Indian based consultant inviting attention of the readers about techniques to be followed religiously to make you a winner wrote very much about a business idea Vs plan" Learning to distinguish between an idea and plan is extremely necessary to ensure that information lapses do not happen within an organization. When spelt out in these terms, it would be obvious that a plan and an idea are as different from each other as foot ball and tennis are. But when viewed through the magnifying lens of a working day, it is very difficult to distinguish the two

Too often it so happens that in the rush of activity, we look at an idea and automatically assume that it will lead to its logical well intended conclusion. A classic example of this come to my mind even as I write this. This centers around a former classmate of mine, who grew up to be a brilliant analyst of the anatomy of an organization. He could really take things apart and put them back together with almost surgical precision. On being given a situation in a company he would almost subconsciously weave out a step by step strategy for its betterment. This is the aspect that I refer to as planning
Contrast this with the out look of another of my colleague. This was a person who would come up with ideas at the drop of the hat. His creativity was un paralleled. And his ideas were truly outstanding. But then he lacked the the discipline and sharpness to piece together an actionable plan that would make it worthy. For all its glamour an idea is still nothing solid. It has no power by itself. What gives it power is the precision that only a plan can give. In other words 'actionability' will determine the success and failure of an idea. Too often I have come across people even in my organization who come up with whacky and lateral ideas. But there are times when I have to put my foot down and say no to them because of sheer lack of inherent actionability in them.


Walter Gropius once said: "For whatever profession your inner devotion must be so deep that you can be never deflected from your aim. However often the thread is torn from your hands, you must develop enough patience to wind it up again and again. Act as if you were going to live forever and cast your plans way ahead. By this I mean that you must feel responsible without time limitation and the consideration whether you may or may not be around to see the results should never enter your thoughts. If your contribution has been vital, there will always be somebody to pick up where you left off, and that will be your claim to immortality"


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